For two hours, climate activists paralyse air traffic at Berlin Brandenburg Airport


Climate activists of action group “Letzte Generation” (Last Generation) have halted air traffic at Berlin Brandenburg airport during two hours on Thursday evening by blocking the two active runways.

Shortly after 16:00 (UTC +1), the activists forced their entry onto the airport premises. By entering the tarmac via two sides (North and South), air traffic was completely paralysed.

Activists used bikes to cycle on the tarmac. According to the German police, some of them glued themselves onto the runway surface.

With banners and a livestream, the activists explained their motives. They asked passengers to stop travelling and demanded the government stop subsidising aviation.

Aeroplanes are no means of transport for common people. 80% of people never ever went anywhere by plane. Only one very wealthy percent is responsible for about of emissions caused by air traffic,” Letzte Generation wrote on social media.

At around 18:15, air traffic recovered. The airlines were forced to cancel five flights, affecting 750 passengers.

German minister of Transport Volker Wissing (FDP) strongly denounced the actions.

Worse for the climate is that numerous flights en route towards Berlin were forced to divert, or simply returned to their airport of departure.



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