Libyan airline Afriqiyah Airways suspends all flights after airport attack


20 people killed and 63 wounded, a heavy dead toll during Monday fights between two rivaling clans at Tripoli International Airport Rada (a former military airport replacing Tripoli International Airport destroyed earlier by heavy fighting).

Pro-government special deterrence forces protected the airport and were being attacked by a Islamic militia. Libya’s state-owned airline Afriqiyah Airways has suspended all flights.

One flight attendant died in the shooting. At least seven aircraft have been damaged: one LybianWings Airbus, two Buraq Air Boeing 737 and four Afriqiyah Airways Airbus. Leaving the latter without a fleet, as a result the Afriqiyah Airways CEO, Mohammed Al-Furtiya, yesterday resigned from his function. Many airlines have cancelled flights to and from Tripoli.

Featured image of an Afriqiyah Airways Airbus A319 in better times by Konstantin Von Wedelstaedt – Gallery page Photo, GFDL 1.2, Link


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