Atlantic flights for Greta would have generated less CO2 than her sailing


Greta Thunberg sails across the Atlantic for climate reasons instead of flying. For the return transfer of the yacht, however, a crew of 5 flies from Europe to the USA and the skipper himself flies back. Overall, the action, therefore, causes more CO2 emissions than if Thunberg had flown with her father.

© European Union 2019 – Source: EP, photo by Gabor KOVACS

Climate activist Greta Thunberg causes more greenhouse gas emissions with her sailing trip from the United Kingdom to the United States than if she had flown. About five employees would sail the yacht back to Europe. Of course, they fly over there. The skipper Boris Herrmann will also take the plane for the return journey to Europe. The sailing trip triggers at least six climate-damaging air travel across the Atlantic. If Thunberg had flown with her father, only two would have been necessary to come to New York.

Because flights are deemed damaging to the climate, Thunberg had been looking for a better way to travel to the United Nations Climate Change Summit in New York in September. On Wednesday afternoon, the 16-year-old got aboard the high-sea yacht “Malizia II” together with the two professional sailors Herrmann and Pierre Casiraghi, her father Svante and a filmmaker in the southern English town of Plymouth. The ship is powered by the wind, and electricity for navigation and communication is generated by solar cells.

When asked if it would not have been more climate-friendly if Thunberg had travelled on a container ship, her spokesman Andreas Kling replied: “This is a thought that is actually being considered for the return to Europe.


  1. Inte särskilt oväntat… För Greta är ju tämligen ensam om att försöka leva som hon lär… De flesta av oss andra är naiva eller hycklare eller själviska eller liknöjda… Oavsett det gäller miljö, migration eller andra samhällsproblem.
    Det är därför det är “så mycket elände i världen” : Krig, svält, våld… Haven fylls med plast, djurarter utrotas, skogar skövlas…

    Så även om det finns de som tvivlar på människans påverkan på klimatet… Så är ju mänsklighetens livsstil ohållbar, med tanke på så många andra aspekter! Vi har bara ett jordklot! Svenskarnas konsumtion och llvsstil är som om vi hade fyra… Och vi är inte värst…

    Så kunde Greta inspirera… väcka… skrämma… Ja på vad sätt som helst… få oss som bor på jorden att tänka till, vilka konsekvenser våra beteenden , intressen, prioriteringar etc, får för en själv, medmänniskor, miljö, djur och natur… vore ju fantastiskt!
    Heja Greta! ??????

  2. Translation of the above comment by Google:

    Not very unexpected … For Greta is pretty much alone in trying to live as she learns … Most of us others are naïve or hypocritical or selfish or happy … Whatever the environment, migration or other societal problems.
    That is why there is “so much misery in the world”: War, famine, violence … The seas are filled with plastic, animal species are being eradicated, forests are being destroyed …

    So even though there are those who doubt the impact of man on the climate … After all, humanity’s lifestyle is unsustainable, given so many other aspects! We only have one globe! Swedes’ consumption and lifestyle are as if we had four … And we are not the worst …

    So Greta could inspire … wake up … scare … yes in any way … make us who live on earth think about what consequences our behaviors, interests, priorities etc, have for one’s self, fellow human beings , environment, animals and nature … would be great!
    Hi Greta! ????

  3. Yes, giving facts regarding the behavior of a teenager. So important ! And now time for the facts regarding commercial aviation and climate change ? Looking forward …
    Kind regards, Johny

  4. Fact: Aviation represents 2% of the total emissions of greenhouse gases. Even if everyone stopped flying, it would not prevent climate change. Look at road transport, especially private cars, and domestic heating: they are the biggest emitters.

  5. Greta should have went to school instead of protesting; then she’d learned that each plant needs CO2 to live, and returns O2. Because THAT is what I’ve never heard from the new oeco-movement: “stop cutting down the rain forrest, plant trees!” – instead, they proclaim the “0% CO2-Emissions”; I wonder how long they can hold their breaths (for those who don’t know: with every breath, a human breaths out CO2).

    …sadly enough, they’re now after Vacation-Travel; especially those airlines that don’t fly when the plane isn’t overbooked (so ALL seats are full) are primary targets; while sensible solutions (empty seats = lets get some passengers in them) are left out.

    But well, what does one expect from people who complain “protests are more important than knowledge”… (I just hope their bycicles don’t run on batteries 😉

  6. (SELECT 3353 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71716b7171,(SELECT (ELT(3353=3353,1))),0x7170787171,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a)

  7. It seems to me that most of the pollution problem, including CO2 pollution, is due to the fact that we have too many people on the planet. Shouldn’t we start there with the remedy?


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