Ural Airlines pilots taxi over ground employee, who remains in critical condition


A tragic incident with a ground worker happened during push-back of an Ural Airlines Airbus A320 (registered RA-73832) at Yekaterinburg in Russia on 19 May. The pilots started taxi while the ground staffer was still under the nose gear, resulting him being run over by the aircraft. 

In normal operations, the ground worker who is responsible for the push-back will wave at the side of the aircraft, indicating that the area is clear to taxi.

The employee – named Rail – sustained severe leg injuries resulting in an emergency amputation. Rail remains in serious condition, and according to an insider, he is still unconscious.

The Russian authorities have launched a criminal case, citing violations of safety rules resulting in severe harm through gross negligence.

While the clip is vividly shared on social media, Aviation24.be will not publish it.


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