SAS traffic figures November 2021: a threefold increase in one year


The number of travellers stabilised in November, but uncertainty remains

In November more than 1.3 million passengers travelled with SAS, an increase of just over 300% year on year. At the same time, SAS increased its capacity by 143% compared to last year and came in at a similar level versus the previous month.

The flown load factor was 61%, which is up 36 percentage points compared to last year and 1.6 percentage points increase compared to October. Eased travel restrictions subsequently lead to increased ticket sales both internationally and domestically, which is clearly seen comparing numbers with last year as well as with earlier months.

We have seen a gradual increase of demand over the past few months as travel restrictions have been lifted. Demand and ticket sales have stabilised ahead of the winter, which in general is a slower period. However, with new versions of the COVID-19 virus spreading across the globe, the future continues to be uncertain. Entering the winter season, we need to remain flexible when it comes to our capacity in order to respond to the demand amongst Scandinavia’s travellers” says Anko van der Werff, President & CEO of SAS.

December 7, 2021 11:00


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