Ryanair to withdraw from Morocco?


According to Maghreb-Intelligence sources, Ryanair intends to withdraw definitively from Morocco, a destination it will no longer serve from next May.

Relations between Ryanair’s top management and the Moroccan authorities have been very tense since almost the start of the pandemic in the Kingdom in March 2020.

The Irish low-cost company blames Morocco for the successive, and in their view unjustified, closures of airspace preventing Ryanair from honouring its commitments to the tens of thousands of passengers using its flights.

In mid-December 2021, overwhelmed by yet another Moroccan air closure, Ryanair decided to suspend its flights to Morocco until February 1.

And, currently, it is not sure that the air borders of Morocco would be reopened at the end of January 2022.

A lack of clarity and communication from the Moroccan authorities on what to expect beyond their initial decision to ban travel on December 13,” accused the leaders of the low-cost company. who say they deplore heavy losses.

For example, Ryanair claims that at the end of November 2021, flight cancellations decided by Morocco had an impact on 160,000 of its customers and that an additional 230,000 passengers are facing disruptions to their travel plans for Morocco. rest of 2021.

Source: Maghreb Intelligence


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