Air Cargo Global Boeing 747 suffers blown tyre and fuselage damage on flight between Liege and Tel Aviv
On 13 November, an Air Cargo Global Boeing 747-400 (OM-ACG) operated a cargo flight between Liège, Belgium and Tel Aviv, Israel. After landing at...
Air Cargo Global has returned to Brussels Airport, despite the possible noise fines
Since two weeks Air Cargo Global, the Slovakian cargo carrier that left Brussels Airport six months ago, is operating bi-weekly flights again from Zaventem. Newspaper...
Brussels Region keeps on imposing fines, but doesn’t collect them
The Brussels Region keeps on imposing fines to airlines taking off from Brussels Airport, despite the second conflict of interest launched by Flanders. The...
Slovakian cargo carrier Air Cargo Global has decided to leave Brussels Airport
Slovakian cargo carrier Air Cargo Global has decided to leave Brussels Airport amidst the stringent noise regulations of the Brussels region, press agency Belga...