Brussels Airlines to lease two Czech Airlines Airbus A319 aircraft: one for a full year, the other for the Summer season

Czech Airlines Airbus A319 with "City of Prague" colorscheme
Czech Airlines Airbus A319 with “City of Prague” colour scheme

From the start of the upcoming summer season, Brussels Airlines will wet-lease two Airbus A319 aircraft from CSA Czech Airlines. One will be leased for only the summer season (end-March to end-October), while the second will be leased for a full year.

According to the GDS, these aircraft will be deployed on the following routes:

  • All Brussels-Budapest-Brussels flights (SN2823 to SN2830)
  • Brussels-Prague-Brussels afternoon and evening flights (SN2811 to SN2816)
  • Brussels-Toulouse-Brussels morning flight (SN3667-SN3668)



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