A Sukhoi-25 fighter jet from Democratic Republic of the Congo violated Rwanda’s airspace – the third time such an incident occurred in three months – forcing Rwanda to take “defensive measures,”.
“Rwanda asks the Democratic Republic of Congo to stop this aggression.”
The Rwanda Defence Force fired at the fighter jet from Democratic Republic of the Congo that violated Rwandan airspace in Rubavu – same area as previous violations,” Rwandan government spokesperson Yolande Makolo said in a statement.
Makolo said the jet violated its airspace at 5:03 pm local time.
Congo accuses Rwanda of backing a rebel group in its eastern part that has led to the displacement of 450,000 people. Rwanda denies supporting the group, known as the M23, which claims it’s fighting for the rights of Congolese of Rwandan descent.
A video shared widely on Congolese social media showed a projectile shooting toward an airborne military plane, before exploding in the air near the plane, which continued to fly.
Un avion de chasse congolais évite de justesse d'être touché par un missile rwandais
? Mardi, les forces rwandaises ont tiré sur un avion de chasse de la RDC qui, selon elles, avait violé son espace aérien, ce qui a incité le gouvernement congolais à l'accuser d'acte de guerre pic.twitter.com/VJq01t53KK— LN24 (@LesNews24) January 25, 2023