United Airlines faces criticism for allegedly asking pregnant woman to clean up cabin mess


The pregnant wife of professional baseball player Anthony Bass was travelling on board United Express, a subsidiary of United Airlines, together with their two children of five and two years old. In a tweet, Bass claims that the flight attendant ordered his pregnant wife to clean up the popcorn that fell on the floor. On social media, he expresses shock and disbelief at the situation. 

While the situation described in the tweet may be upsetting and frustrating for Bass and his family, the reaction of the flight attendant could be understandable. Perhaps the flight attendant had to pick up the trash at destination. Maybe she was simply having a bad day and was not in a patient or compassionate mood.

It’s also possible that the flight attendant was unaware of the challenges faced by the pregnant passenger, who was holding a fussy toddler in her arms. Whatever the reason, it’s clear from the story that the request was not well-received by her nor the baseball player.

It is, however, important for airline employees and staff to provide good customer service, particularly to families with young children and pregnant women who may need extra assistance during their sometimes stressful travels. Requiring a pregnant woman to get on her hands and knees to clean up a mess may not be appropriate or considerate, and it is understandable that Bass expressed his frustration on social media.



  1. Pregnancy is not an illness !! Look after your kids and keep them under control -no issues then


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