Fancy writing your own trip reports? A detailed report on your flight and airline experience you love to share with Make pictures, write it all down and mail everything to us!
Template suggestion for your trip report
Flight: from xxx to yyy (via zzz)
Aircraft: type of aircraft + registration
From-To: airport full (XXX IATA) eg: Brussels – Amsterdam (BRU-AMS)
Scheduled/Effective Time of Departure: hh:mm/hh:mm (GMT+x)
Scheduled/Effective Time of Arrival: hh:mm/hh:mm (GMT+x)
Scheduled/Effective Duration of the flight: h hr mm min/h hr mm min
Suggested additional information
- Load factor
- Runways for take-off and landing
- Flight level
- Catering and other on-board services
- …
Rate the airline and your experience
You can give up to 5 stars to rate the airline, give points on the following categories (list is not complete, you can add other categories)
- Crew
- Aircraft
- Food & Beverage
- On-time performance
Finally: mail everything