Forum 2040, the dialogue platform on the strategic vision of Brussels Airport, to start in the second quarter of 2017


Forum 2040, the dialogue platform where a variety of stakeholders involved in the Strategic Vision 2040 of Brussels Airport will talk to each other about the future of the airport, will start in the second quarter of this year. The dialogue process has now been refined further.

The dialogue platform Forum 2040 wants to bring together all those involved with the airport in an open and constructive dialogue about the Strategic Vision 2040 and all its implications. Brussels Airport is aiming to develop further as airport, in order to strengthen the connectivity and the economy of our country, and this in balance with the impact on those living in the vicinity and all the actors involved.

The interest for Forum 2040 is considerable. No fewer than 220 persons have put forward a candidacy. From the group of 220 candidates, an independent jury will elect 60 candidates to participate in the dialogue group. The selection and composition of this group has not been finalised yet.

In the past few weeks, Brussels Airport Company has held bilateral talks with various stakeholder groups about the modalities of the Forum 2040. Brussels Airport Company is taking all remarks to heart and is looking into ways to optimise the process even further. It is, after all, the intention that all those involved should be represented as fully as possible in order to maintain the best possible dialogue.

Brussels Airport also wishes that current consultations on different political decision levels, about a stable and coherent legal and regulatory framework for the airport, are given all chances. Forum 2040 will therefore start in the second quarter of this year.

Brussels Airport, 25 January 2017


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