Brussels Airport and Air Cargo Belgium awarded at the 2021 Air Cargo News Awards

Cargo Loaded at Brussels Airport
Cargo Loaded at Brussels Airport

Yesterday evening (16 September) Brussels Airport took home the ‘Cargo Hub of The Year’ Award of Air Cargo News at the 37th Air Cargo News Awards in London and was presented a high recommendation for pharmaceutical excellence. In addition, Air Cargo Belgium won the ‘Innovation Award Digital’.

Big applause for our Brussels Airport cargo team and the whole cargo community”, says Geert Aerts, Director Cargo & Logistics at Brussels Airport, “2 times a win! Incredible proud of the recognition for the hard work, collaboration and teamwork of our community and our chosen strategy to excel as the leading pharma gateway and innovating in digital solutions within the market of e-commerce, live animals and perishables.”

See all winners of the Air Cargo News 21 awards here



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