Air Belgium in 2024

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Re: Air Belgium in 2024

Post by Passenger »

fcw wrote: 19 May 2024, 18:38
TLspotting wrote: 19 May 2024, 17:51 The original news comes from the ALPGSL itself : ... XsyS2jgsxl
An article based on a Facebook post as the only source, just saying…
The source is not Facebook.
The source is the Airline Pilots Guild of Sri Lanka.

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Re: Air Belgium in 2024

Post by fcw »

Passenger wrote: 19 May 2024, 18:57
fcw wrote: 19 May 2024, 18:38
TLspotting wrote: 19 May 2024, 17:51 The original news comes from the ALPGSL itself : ... XsyS2jgsxl
An article based on a Facebook post as the only source, just saying…
The source is not Facebook.
The source is the Airline Pilots Guild of Sri Lanka.
A post on Facebook nevertheless!
The statement made by the Guild is clearly wrong, as the captain didn’t deny boarding, he refused to downgrade one passenger in order to upgrade another one. Anyone having a basic knowledge of airline operations should know a captain is, normally, not involved in the boarding process and is only called to the scene when a problem arises which can’t be handled by cabin crew and ground staff.
"Truth", "accuracy", and "objectivity" are cornerstones of journalism ethics, I have big doubts about all three of these in the Facebook contribution.

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Re: Air Belgium in 2024

Post by Lux_avi »

Passenger wrote: 19 May 2024, 18:57
fcw wrote: 19 May 2024, 18:38
TLspotting wrote: 19 May 2024, 17:51 The original news comes from the ALPGSL itself : ... XsyS2jgsxl
An article based on a Facebook post as the only source, just saying…
The source is not Facebook.
The source is the Airline Pilots Guild of Sri Lanka.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Air Belgium in 2024

Post by Lux_avi »

fcw wrote: 19 May 2024, 19:09
Passenger wrote: 19 May 2024, 18:57
fcw wrote: 19 May 2024, 18:38

An article based on a Facebook post as the only source, just saying…
The source is not Facebook.
The source is the Airline Pilots Guild of Sri Lanka.
A post on Facebook nevertheless!
The statement made by the Guild is clearly wrong, as the captain didn’t deny boarding, he refused to downgrade one passenger in order to upgrade another one. Anyone having a basic knowledge of airline operations should know a captain is, normally, not involved in the boarding process and is only called to the scene when a problem arises which can’t be handled by cabin crew and ground staff.
"Truth", "accuracy", and "objectivity" are cornerstones of journalism ethics, I have big doubts about all three of these in the Facebook contribution.
Of course fcw. All professionals will understand what happened there and this is just one more show of how low quality media do their work. Just drop it, some people will never be willing to get it anyway.

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Re: Air Belgium in 2024

Post by TLspotting »

Their article came first though. They had their own sources to develop the story. But the initial news of an incident without its possible abuse was confirmed to us.
Hi. I'm Thibault Lapers. @ThibaultLapers & @TLspotting

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Re: Air Belgium in 2024

Post by longwings »

fcw wrote: 19 May 2024, 19:09 The statement made by the Guild is clearly wrong, as the captain didn’t deny boarding, he refused to downgrade one passenger in order to upgrade another one. Anyone having a basic knowledge of airline operations should know a captain is, normally, not involved in the boarding process and is only called to the scene when a problem arises which can’t be handled by cabin crew and ground staff.
It is not inconceivable for an airline employee to displace a fare-paying passenger by policy. So the pilot who could not be upgraded may have considered he was denied boarding because he was denied a seat he was entitled to. It's also likely that a pilot on an ACMI contract would not understand all the nuances of the airline they operate for, and misunderstanding could result.

You are right though that this should be sorted out at the gate with ground staff.

And none of this requires racial intent on anyone's part.

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Re: Air Belgium in 2024

Post by JOVAN2 »

AB to fly to Abidjan for Corsair.
Still flying JFK for LOT.

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Re: Air Belgium in 2024

Post by Passenger »

OE-LCL (A330-200) will fly for Surinam Airways (Amsterdam-Paramaribo-Amsterdam):

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Re: Air Belgium in 2024

Post by Established02 »

OE-LFC B748 has been on the ground since 05JUN2024, now with engine covers.

OE-LFD B748 just completed a flight to CVG, expectedly for DHL, after having been on the ground since 27MAY2024.

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Re: Air Belgium in 2024

Post by Passenger »

On 28th June, OE-LCL (A330-200) flying for Surinam Airways had a ground incident at Paramaribo: a collision with a ground vehicle: ... aramaribo/

Later today, PlusUltra EC-NUL (also a A330-200) will position from Madrid to Amsterdam, with a Surinam Airways flight number. So most probably, that PlusUltra EC-NUL will take over from Air Belgium OE-LCL:

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Re: Air Belgium in 2024

Post by Established02 »

Since July 1 the fuel stop on Chengdu-Brussels has been moved from Astana to Baku.

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Re: Air Belgium in 2024

Post by Passenger »

Aviation Invest Holding nv/sa, the initial investor in Air Belgium nv/sa, went into voluntary liquidation.

Belgium's official company register: ... =655703469

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Re: Air Belgium in 2024

Post by Passenger »

Passenger wrote: 02 Jul 2024, 11:45 On 28th June, OE-LCL (A330-200) flying for Surinam Airways had a ground incident at Paramaribo: a collision with a ground vehicle: ... aramaribo/
After two weeks AOG at Paramaribo, OE-LCL is on her way to Bangor (USA), at FL100: ... l#36271b75

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Re: Air Belgium in 2024

Post by sn26567 »

Passenger wrote: 15 Jul 2024, 07:46
Passenger wrote: 02 Jul 2024, 11:45 On 28th June, OE-LCL (A330-200) flying for Surinam Airways had a ground incident at Paramaribo: a collision with a ground vehicle: ... aramaribo/
After two weeks AOG at Paramaribo, OE-LCL is on her way to Bangor (USA), at FL100: ... l#36271b75
And scheduled to continue to Bergen-op-Zoom Woensdrecht Air Base today at 16:40 local time (UTC-4) or 22:40 Belgian time (UTC+2).
ex Sabena #26567

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Re: Air Belgium in 2024

Post by longwings »

sn26567 wrote: 16 Jul 2024, 22:12And scheduled to continue to Bergen-op-Zoom Woensdrecht Air Base today at 16:40 local time (UTC-4) or 22:40 Belgian time (UTC+2).
For parting or repairs? Fokker can do both.
Even if the fuselage sustained severe damage (can't be pressurized), it is obviously structurally sound and only 10 years old so repairs likely imo.

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Re: Air Belgium in 2024

Post by Passenger »

Judicial news: the trade court has modified the "réorganisation judiciaire par accord amiable" into a "réorganisation judiciaire par accord collectif" (wijziging van de gerechtelijke reorganisatie minnelijk akkoord" naar "gerechtelijke reorganisatie collectief akkoord"). New court date is now 19th Sept 2024.
Tribunal de l'entreprise du Brabant wallon.
Modification de l'objectif de la réorganisation judiciaire de:
Activité commerciale : compagnie aérienne
Numéro d'entreprise : 0648.801.623
Date du jugement : 09/07/2024
Référence : 20230049
Nouvel objectif de la procédure : réorganisation judiciaire par accord collectif
Juge délégué : THIERRY BREUER - adresse électronique est : thierry.breuer @
Date d'échéance du sursis : 19/09/2024.
Mandataire de Justice : BERNARD VANHAM avocat à 1400 NIVELLES, RUE DE CHARLEROI, 2.
Pour extrait conforme : La greffière, V. Menier.
Source: annexes Belgian State Gazette: ... 0648801623

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Re: Air Belgium in 2024

Post by Passenger »

Air Belgium has published it’s annual account 2023: ... 0648801623

Some key figures:
* Total turnover 156,2M (was 258,8M in 2022)
* Total debts 109M (was 114M in 2022)
* Operational loss -22,2M (was -44,0M in 2022)
* Nett loss from -27,5M (was -44,6M in 2022)
* Cumulated loss 31/12/2023 -119,1M (was -91,6M on 31/12/2022)
* Own assets (eigen vermogen capitaux propres) 31/12/2023 -68M (négatifs/negatief) (was -41M on 31/12/2022)
* Invested capital remains unchanged at 50,6M

And as always, the annual account has a lof of relevant info, other then Euros. Copy/paste from the annual account:

Sur l’exercice 2023, le chiffre d’affaires total s’élève à 134.407.749,29 EUR (dont 33.265.149,12 EUR relatifs à l’opération de vols passagers réguliers et 101.142.600,17 relatifs aux opérations ACMI et Charter) en comparaison avec un chiffre d’affaires total en 2022 de 228.782.168,25 EUR (dont 53.247.216,45 EUR relatifs à l’opération de vols passagers réguliers et 175.534.951,80 relatifs aux opérations ACMI et Charter). La diminution de ce chiffre d’affaires est liée à l’arrêt de l’activité déficitaire des vols passagers réguliers combinée à l’indisponibilité d’un des deux avions A330-941 NEO depuis août 2023 suite à un incident technique.
A noter également que des provisions de coûts exceptionnels liés aux sorties des 4 avions passagers en 2024 (voir infra) ont été comptabilisées en 2023 pour un total de 7.476.928 EUR.

La Société prévoit la sortie de flotte de ses 4 avions passagers en 2024:
A330-941 NEO : OO-ABG = mars 2024
A330-941 NEO : OO-ABF = fin octobre 2024
A330-243 CEO : OE-LAC = fin juin 2024
A330-243 CEO : OE-LCL = septembre 2024
L’intention de la Société est de remplacer ces avions sortant de flotte par des A330-200/300 CEO et des discussions sont actuellement en cours avec plusieurs Lessors.

Suite à sa réorganisation et à son recentrage sur des activités non-déficitaires, la Société est à nouveau rentable pour la période de janvier 2024 à avril 2024.

- - - - - -

However: on pages 47-51 from the annual account (see link above), Commissioner Forvis Mazars (réviseurs d’entreprises - bedrijfsrevisoren) comments the annual account with an “Abstention d’opinion” / Onthoudende verklaring. The Professional organization ICCI explains such statement in general: Le commissaire n’est pas en mesure de recueillir des éléments probants suffisants et appropriés pour pouvoir déterminer si les comptes annuels pris dans leur ensemble ne comportent pas d’anomalies significatives. En outre, il considère l’impact potentiel de cette limitation (limitation scope) comme étant significatif et diffus sur les comptes annuels. De commissaris is niet in staat om voldoende en geschikte controle-informatie te verkrijgen teneinde te concluderen of de jaarrekening als geheel vrij is van een afwijking van materieel belang. Bovendien beschouwt de commissaris de mogelijke effecten op de jaarrekening van deze beperking zowel als van materieel belang voor, als van diepgaande invloed op, de jaarrekening.

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Re: Air Belgium in 2024

Post by longwings »

Passenger wrote: 26 Jul 2024, 14:32 However: on pages 47-51 from the annual account (see link above), Commissioner Forvis Mazars (réviseurs d’entreprises - bedrijfsrevisoren) comments the annual account with an “Abstention d’opinion” / Onthoudende verklaring.
"Disclaimer of Opinion" in English. Worth noting on the next page Mazars explains the basis for the disclaimer is their inability to determine whether the airline is a "going concern" (likely to be around in 12 months' time) because the restructuring plans are not ready. So that means they are not questioning the 2023 financial statements, but also the airline will not survive another year without fresh capital (I know, not a surprise!).

Thanks for posting this.

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