Social actions at air navigation service provider skeyes (Belgium) - possible air traffic disruptions

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Re: Social actions at air traffic control service skeyes (Belgium) - possible air traffic disruptions

Post by DIBO »

SR20 wrote: 21 Mar 2019, 06:17 EBOS (Oostende)
Arrivals/Departures not available from 06:15 until 08:15 due ATC industrial action
I understand that management screwed up and BRU airspace can be quite busy (but by far not the busiest/most stressful place to work for an ATCO)
But EBOS.... let me tell you how ATCO's did it during the "extremely busy" nightshift @EBOS... firsthand info, but I admit it was years ago: turn up squelch to high, turn up volume to maximum and then take a nap for a couple of hours while on active duty :-(

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Re: Social actions at air traffic control service skeyes (Belgium) - possible air traffic disruptions

Post by luchtzak »

Mayhem at Brussels Airport, lots of cancelled flights. Huge slots ...

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Re: Social actions at air traffic control service skeyes (Belgium) - possible air traffic disruptions

Post by ezis_bis »

luchtzak wrote: 21 Mar 2019, 11:16 Mayhem at Brussels Airport, lots of cancelled flights. Huge slots ...
Yesterday evening as well.
The flight to TLL took off more than an hour after boarding completed
It's getting rather sad this is a recurring issue
(I'm not picking any side here, I just hope this gets sorted out in a sustainable way, and hopefully quickly)

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Re: Social actions at air traffic control service skeyes (Belgium) - possible air traffic disruptions

Post by sn26567 »

luchtzak wrote: 21 Mar 2019, 11:16 Mayhem at Brussels Airport, lots of cancelled flights. Huge slots ...
Brussels Airlines was forced to cancel flights to Geneva, Barcelona, Nice, Basel, Vienna, Turin, Copenhagen, Berlin Tegel, Milan Linate and Lyon. KLM also cancelled one flight to Amsterdam and Lufthansa one flight to Munich. Other flights: delays up to three hours. ... e-country/
ex Sabena #26567

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Re: Social actions at air traffic control service skeyes (Belgium) - possible air traffic disruptions

Post by mvg »

Sad indeed...

Controllers have been fighting with each new management (and there has been quite a few since the creation of Belgocontrol).
Some have kept the mentalities (and the privileges) of the old RLW/RVA which was run by the State.
Skeyes (ex-Belgocontrol) is probably the last such company that has evolved so little when it’s about the rules, the privileges, the evaluation processes and so on).

As long as they don’t understand that, nothing will change.

Time for privatization, a new set of correct rules and with people who want to work for a company looking at the future.

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Re: Social actions at air traffic control service skeyes (Belgium) - possible air traffic disruptions

Post by Boeing767copilot »

mvg wrote: 21 Mar 2019, 13:19 Sad indeed...

Controllers have been fighting with each new management (and there has been quite a few since the creation of Belgocontrol).
Some have kept the mentalities (and the privileges) of the old RLW/RVA which was run by the State.
Skeyes (ex-Belgocontrol) is probably the last such company that has evolved so little when it’s about the rules, the privileges, the evaluation processes and so on).

As long as they don’t understand that, nothing will change.

Time for privatization, a new set of correct rules and with people who want to work for a company looking at the future.
I wonder what the role is of the Air Traffic Controller Guild, cq de Gilde van Luchtverkeersleiders. Not the best friends of the Belgocontrol management.

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Re: Social actions at air traffic control service skeyes (Belgium) - possible air traffic disruptions

Post by SR20 »

Press release from belgian ATCO's ! French followed by dutch version.

Chers lecteurs, chers voyageurs,

En tant que contrôleurs aériens de Skeyes, nous nous trouvons ces derniers temps, bien plus que nous ne le souhaitons, au coeur d'une tempête (médiatique).
Nous estimons que vous avez le droit de connaître les raisons de notre recours aux actions actuelles.

Contrairement aux explications qui vous sont souvent présentées, il ne s'agit ici aucunement de revendications financières, mais uniquement d'une demande de respect des lois et des règlements de travail, et ce dans un souci de garantie de votre sécurité.

En effet, nous sommes confrontés depuis quelques années à un manque criant de personnel. Dans le centre de contrôle aérien CANAC, celui-ci s'élève même à 25% du cadre!
Cette pénurie est la conséquence directe d'un manque flagrant de planification et de vision à long terme dans le chef de notre direction, ainsi qu'à une soif inextinguible d'économies.

Imaginez-vous les conséquences dans votre entreprise, département ou service si les mêmes tâches devaient être accomplies avec un quart de vos collègues en moins!

Les dirigeants de Skeyes, que nous avertissions depuis des années du scénario catastrophe qui se préparait, continuent de nier la réalité, et cherchent leur salut dans le non-respect des lois et réglementations de travail. Dans l'attente des jugements dans les cinq procès intentés contre notre employeur, nous sommes continuellement confrontés à des séries de plus de dix jours de travail consécutifs, ce qui est contraire à toutes les recommandations internationales.

La fatigue, la démotivation et même les problèmes de santé dûs à ce rythme de travail infernal ne font qu'augmenter, et ce au détriment de la sécurité.

Nous réalisons la grande importance économique de notre secteur, et le rôle que nous y jouons, mais la sécurité est et restera toujours notre priorité. Jamais nous ne pourrions accepter que cette situation ait pour résultat un incident ou accident fatal.

Une solution très simple est à portée de main, puisqu'elle est déjà appliquée dans d'autres centres de contôle aérien, qui ont à gérer les mêmes problèmes de manque de personnel.
Malheureusement les dirigeants de Skeyes préfèrent se concentrer sur l'obtention des meilleurs résultats, et refusent de s'engager dans une voie où contrôleurs, compagnies aériennes et passagers seraient tous gagnants.

Au vu des risques pour la sécurité qui sont pris par la direction de Skeyes, nous avons décidé de réagir en montrant le bon exemple. C'est pourquoi nos actions consistent à travailler avec des équipes réduites afin de continuer à garantir la continuité et la sécurité des opérations.
Nous réalisons l'impact possible pour les voyageurs, mais nous espérons pouvoir compter sur votre compréhension dans ce combat pour notre sécurité à tous.

Enfin, vendredi nous commémorerons nous aussi les attentats du 22 mars, un événement dramatique qui nous a tous affectés, comme le reste de la communauté aéronautique...

Par respect pour les travailleurs de l'aéroport ainsi que pour les victimes et leurs familles, nous n'entreprendrons aucune action durant les cérémonies d'hommage.
Nos pensées sont avec eux!

Merci pour votre compréhension.

Les contôleurs aériens de Skeyes.

Geachte lezer, beste reiziger,

Als luchtverkeersleiders van Skeyes staan we tegenwoordig meer dan we zouden willen, in het oog van de (media)storm.

Als reiziger heeft u het recht om te weten wat onze redenen zijn om over te gaan tot de huidige acties. In tegenstelling tot wat u dikwijls voorgeschoteld wordt, betreft het hier geen financiële eisen, maar vragen we enkel het respecteren van wetten en reglementen, en dit in functie van veiligheid.

Al enkele jaren worden wij namelijk geconfronteerd met grote personeelstekorten. In het nationale luchtverkeersleidingscentrum CANAC2 bedraagt het tekort maar liefst 25%. Deze zijn het gevolg van een gebrek aan planning, visie en een niet te stoppen besparingsdrang. Echter, ze zorgen er ook voor dat de werkdruk onhoudbaar wordt. Beeld je maar eens in wat de impact voor jouw bedrijf, departement of dienst zou zijn mocht je dezelfde taken moeten uitvoeren met een vierde minder collega's.

Het Skeyes management, dat reeds vele jaren verwittigd werd voor dit scenario, blijft het tekort echter ontkennen, en zoekt heil in het overtreden van wetten en reglementen. In afwachting van een uitspraak in de 5 lopende rechtszaken tegen onze werkgever, blijven we steeds geconfronteerd worden met reeksen van meer dan 10 opeenvolgende werkdagen, volledig in strijd met alle internationale aanbevelingen.

Vermoeidheid, ziekte en demotivatie nemen de bovenhand, en ondermijnen de veiligheid! Wij beseffen het economische belang van onze sector, en onze rol daarin, maar wensen de veiligheid steeds op nummer 1 te zetten.

We zouden het onszelf nooit kunnen vergeven indien deze situatie zou leiden tot een fataal incident of accident.

Een oplossing ligt voor de hand, aangezien buitenlandse luchtverkeersleidersleidingscentra met dezelfde problemen wel de nodige maatregelen namen. Het Skeyes management verkiest echter enkel te streven naar de beste cijfers, en weigert mee te gaan in een verhaal waar zowel verkeersleiders, luchtvaartmaatschappijen en reizigers winnen.

Gezien de veiligheidsrisico’s die de Skeyes directie hierdoor neemt, hebben wij beslist om te reageren en het goeie voorbeeld te tonen. Daarom voeren wij actie door te werken met beperkte personeelsbezettingen, waardoor zowel de continuïteit als de veiligheid van operaties gewaarborgd zijn. Wij weten dat u als reiziger hierdoor mogelijk getroffen wordt, maar hopen dat u begrip kan opbrengen voor ons streven naar zowel uw als onze veiligheid.

Ten slotte, herdenken ook wij vrijdag de aanslagen van 22 maart, een droeve gebeurtenis die wij samen met de hele luchtvaartgemeenschap van dichtbij beleefd hebben.

Uit respect voor alle werknemers, de slachtoffers en hun families, gaan wij gedurende de herdenkingsmomenten geen acties voeren. Onze gedachten zijn bij hen!

Dank voor uw begrip.

De Skeyes verkeersleiders

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Re: Social actions at air traffic control service skeyes (Belgium) - possible air traffic disruptions

Post by Acid-drop »

I dont even want to read what they have to say.
First threat belgium, its economy and its citizen with respect and then we may listen.
My messages reflect my personal opinion which may be different than yours. I beleive a forum is made to create a debate so I encourage people to express themselves, the way they want, with the ideas they want. I expect the same understanding in return.

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Re: Social actions at air traffic control service skeyes (Belgium) - possible air traffic disruptions

Post by jan_olieslagers »

I dont even want to read what they have to say.
If you'll excuse me: isn't that a proven recipe to keep (and even escalate) conflict? Mind you, I'm not saying I agree with their every point, not by a long way, still less with their "actionless" actions.

And you may be sure the answer will be that as much respect will be shown as is received.

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Re: Social actions at air traffic control service skeyes (Belgium) - possible air traffic disruptions

Post by mvg »

Advice to the management: publish all the hours that have been stolen from the company with early leaves at the end of each shift per controller since he/she started to work for the company.
That’s gonna be hilarious 😂

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Re: Social actions at air traffic control service skeyes (Belgium) - possible air traffic disruptions

Post by DIBO »

737MAX wrote: 21 Mar 2019, 21:21 I guess you mean « treat », not « threat »... :roll:
Perfect example of nitpicking :roll:
737MAX wrote: 21 Mar 2019, 21:21 You definitely haven’t read anything, obviously.
We have, we most definitively have, thanks to @mvg

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Re: Social actions at air traffic control service skeyes (Belgium) - possible air traffic disruptions

Post by mvg »

@737MAX and DIBO
Hi guys, we should try to avoid fighting here: the “you know nothing” usual answer won’t make the discussion move forward.
You are both right in fact: anyone can write on this forum things he/she invents. And we, as professionals, will make our opinions with what we find true, with our feelings, with what people we know tell us and with what we read elesewhere. We will of course sometimes disagree.

But I am sure that when you read all the posts, you can easily see if someone knows the subject from inside or not. Some details are not possible to guess.

Many of us agree on one thing: those actions are very bad for our country, for the passengers, for the image of air traffic control and for the pilots. Whether they are justified or not is another thing and everyone will just make his/her opinion reading the infos we all provided.

Let’s just go on with this interesting discussion whenever something new comes up.

Big thoughts to the victims of the attacks 3 years ago...

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Re: Social actions at air traffic control service skeyes (Belgium) - possible air traffic disruptions

Post by Passenger »

I really don't understand why the Skeyes management remains extremely polite in their reply to the sabotage by both the trade unions and the atco's.

And where is minister Bellot, by the way? It seems he's unaware that there is huge problem ongoing for Belgian aviation.

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Re: Social actions at air traffic control service skeyes (Belgium) - possible air traffic disruptions

Post by Acid-drop »

Its indeed very weird the minister doesnt do his job.
What a country !
My messages reflect my personal opinion which may be different than yours. I beleive a forum is made to create a debate so I encourage people to express themselves, the way they want, with the ideas they want. I expect the same understanding in return.

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Re: Social actions at air traffic control service skeyes (Belgium) - possible air traffic disruptions

Post by SR20 »

From:23 MAR 19 00:30 Till:23 MAR 19 03:30

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Re: Social actions at air traffic control service skeyes (Belgium) - possible air traffic disruptions

Post by mvg »

Let’s hope that those who called sick will get better soon.

Another strike without losing money but annoying many companies,and businesses who are gonna think twice in the future before choosing Belgium to invest.
Thank you for that and for all the jobs that are gonna be created in the future in other countries instead of ours. In the meantime our controllers will get even more wonderful working conditions, salaries, leaves and so on and so on.

And after all maybe atcos don’t care if flights are disrupted because they get free train tickets (first class) across Belgium and Europe 😂

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Re: Social actions at air traffic control service skeyes (Belgium) - possible air traffic disruptions

Post by Poiu »

mvg wrote: 23 Mar 2019, 02:15 Let’s hope that those who called sick will get better soon.

Another strike without losing money but annoying many companies,and businesses who are gonna think twice in the future before choosing Belgium to invest.
Thank you for that and for all the jobs that are gonna be created in the future in other countries instead of ours. In the meantime our controllers will get even more wonderful working conditions, salaries, leaves and so on and so on.

And after all maybe atcos don’t care if flights are disrupted because they get free train tickets (first class) across Belgium and Europe 😂
mvg- this post is a clear expression of jealousy and it undermines the credibility of your previous contributions which were to the point and backed up by good arguments.

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Re: Social actions at air traffic control service skeyes (Belgium) - possible air traffic disruptions

Post by SR20 »

Q) EBBU/STLC/IV/NBO/A/000/999/5038N00533E
B) 1903231800 1903232100

Q) EBBU/SPLC/IV/BO/AE/000/055/5038N00533E
B) 1903231800 1903232100

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Re: Social actions at air traffic control service skeyes (Belgium) - possible air traffic disruptions

Post by mvg »

737MAX wrote: 23 Mar 2019, 07:51
mvg wrote: 23 Mar 2019, 02:15 Let’s hope that those who called sick will get better soon.
Just to have an idea, how many call have to call sick to create that lack of staff?
Very interesting question! But will we ever get an answer?

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