6th July: will the unions smash your holiday?

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6th July: will the unions smash your holiday?

Post by LX-LGX »

"Belgium has the worst aviation climat". Two of the three unions want to strengthen this perception, and they have advised the management from Flightcare that they will go on strike on Friday 6th July. Holiday time for some 30.000 tourists.

Official reason: improvement of so called illegal salaries and poor working conditions, to be realized by Thursday 5th July.

Real reason: revench because Flightcare keeps on utilizing all legal ways to avoid to re-engage Maria Vindevoghel, one of the union delegates who has been fired some time ago.

That case is still pending at the Labour Court, but if one of their own people is involved, the unions are not interested that 30.000 tourists will get a bad start of their holiday. Viva Maria Vindevoghel viva! Viva ourselves viva!

Flightcare handles 65% of the luggage at Brussels Airport, including the Brussels Airlines flights.

Dutch (.be) newspaper article:

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Post by Charlie Roy »

If they do got on strike, does it mean that flights will go ahead but without baggage.

(I'm flying to Hamburg next Friday and I will not have a bag to check-in...)

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Post by Flybe »


I'm flying with Bru.Air in the evening of 06/07 to attend a wedding on saturday 07/07 in Warsaw! Don't tell me that i'll miss the wedding! At the end, my girlfriend - who takes the train - will even have more reason to convince me to take the night train next time.
If they do got on strike, does it mean that flights will go ahead but without baggage.
I think Flightcare does also all the other handling for those flights, so the flights won't even leave!

And if it leaves, i guess i'll have to check how much i can take in the cabin with me on Bru.Air. I'll let my girlfriend take as much as possible by train i guess.

That's really the last thing Bru.Air needs right now, after the actions by Bru.Air personnel at the start-up and by the firedepartments/security people not so long ago!

Is someone lobbying on getting Bru.Air destroyed?

Greets, I have to tell the news to my girlfriend now... :x


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Post by Ozzie1969 »

Flybe wrote:Crap,

I'm flying with Bru.Air in the evening of 06/07 to attend a wedding on saturday 07/07 in Warsaw! Don't tell me that i'll miss the wedding! At the end, my girlfriend - who takes the train - will even have more reason to convince me to take the night train next time.
If they do got on strike, does it mean that flights will go ahead but without baggage.
I think Flightcare does also all the other handling for those flights, so the flights won't even leave!

And if it leaves, i guess i'll have to check how much i can take in the cabin with me on Bru.Air. I'll let my girlfriend take as much as possible by train i guess.

That's really the last thing Bru.Air needs right now, after the actions by Bru.Air personnel at the start-up and by the firedepartments/security people not so long ago!

Is someone lobbying on getting Bru.Air destroyed?

Greets, I have to tell the news to my girlfriend now... :x

There's no reason a plane can't leave just because the luggage hasn't been put on board.

It happened to me in 1999 when flying from Brussels to Adelaide via Heathrow and Hongkong. That was a wildcat strike, with more and more ground personnel joining. There was no catering, no cleaning, nobody to put the luggage on board and even the personnel for the tugs didn't feel like working. The plane left anyway. Thank you, British Airways. I still had to spend the night in a hotel near Heathrow, though, and re-route through Singapore and Perth. And then I spent the first 2 days in Adelaide without any luggage... Still, I got some nice Qantas-goodies from the airport staff in Adelaide. Apparently, they were already notified of my predicament. Now that's what I call service!

By the way, why don't airlines just dump Flightcare as totally unreliable (if they are not on strike, they are getting caught smuggling drugs), and change to another company (like Aviapartner)?

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Post by carlcat »

Its total irelevant to organize a strike for that lady . If she should be reintegreted at flightcare she should feel herself as a queen and feel above laws and regulations . It will not be safe at airport in general . Also there are other companies at airport were workers are able to organize a wild strike . it should be painfull if they should join .

Mrs Vindevoghel has anything to do anymore at the airport , she can go back to Brugge , sit in the train at the backside and make some lace .

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Post by regi »

It is an interesting idea to see the airport of Brussels as international ground. So Belgian labour laws are not applicable. So we can import some jumbo loads of Filipino's as in Dubai. They earn 300 US a month. We can lodge them on site in dormitories.
Most of the time I am at Zaventem - which is officially dutch speaking Flanders - I am spoken to in french. I would rather be spoken to in English, and I wouldn't mind it is a Filipino.
  • the price for coffee and luggage handling ( read : airport tax ) gets down.
    No more strikes ( who would mind to give a 10% salary increase on 300 US salary?)
    Use of English as genaral language. This is not a joke. Read the reports about Brussels airport, and the complaints that few personnel speak English to international travellers.
we have to build dormitories.

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Post by Cartman »

LX-LGX, you obviously have no idea what you are talking about in this matter. I advise you to use other sources than HLN for a start. Same goes for carlcat BTW.

"Belgium has the worst aviation climat".
Who are you quoting LX-LGX? Sources please...

Official reason: improvement of so called illegal salaries and poor working conditions
"So called"? Unless you're a lawyer who studied the case very thouroughly, you cannot know ANYTHING in this matter...

They have advised the management from Flightcare that they will go on strike on Friday 6th July.
There is absolutely no strike-announcement at the moment. You should check your sources better next time.

revench because Flightcare keeps on utilizing all legal ways to avoid to re-engage Maria Vindevoghel
If she should be reintegreted at flightcare she should feel herself as a queen and feel above laws and regulations . It will not be safe at airport in general .
The Vindevoghel-case has nothing to do in this story (it's revenge BTW). And whether you like the lady or not (for the record: I'm not a big fan of hers), she doesn't feel standing above the law. In fact, she has a court order that states that Flightcare has to re-hire her, which FC refuses offcourse. This is a complicated legal matter, but I wouldn't say that she feels like "standing above the law", I would describe it as "getting told by a judge that you were right all that time". And I don't see why safety at the airport would suddenly get much worse...

That case is still pending at the Labour Court
No it isn't, check your sources again. The verdict has been ruled a few weeks or even months ago. Flightcare went to the supreme court afterwards, so it's not pending at the Labour Court anymore. I even think that in Belgian law, going to the supreme court does not postpone the execution of the Labour Court's verdict...

If they do got on strike, does it mean that flights will go ahead but without baggage.
If there would be a real general strike, no flights that are handled by Flightcare can leave since there would be no ramp supervision, no loadsheet, no push-back and so on...[/b]

By the way, why don't airlines just dump Flightcare as totally unreliable (if they are not on strike, they are getting caught smuggling drugs), and change to another company (like Aviapartner)?
Again a remark made by someone whose aviation-knowledge is purely based on reading luchtzak a few times a week :? Using some more sources wouldn't kill you, would it?

Oh, and Regi, I really hope your post has an ironic meaning :D
I'm in love with my lust, burning angelwings to dust, I wish I had your angel tonight...

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Post by fcw »

The title of this topic should be:

Flight Care boss puts holidays of thousand in danger by ignoring two court verdicts.

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Post by Ozzie1969 »

Cartman wrote:If they do got on strike, does it mean that flights will go ahead but without baggage.
If there would be a real general strike, no flights that are handled by Flightcare can leave since there would be no ramp supervision, no loadsheet, no push-back and so on...[/b]
Well, I guess my flight in 1999 to Heathrow with ZERO ground crew working was just a dream, then.
Cartman wrote:By the way, why don't airlines just dump Flightcare as totally unreliable (if they are not on strike, they are getting caught smuggling drugs), and change to another company (like Aviapartner)?
Again a remark made by someone whose aviation-knowledge is purely based on reading luchtzak a few times a week :? Using some more sources wouldn't kill you, would it?
Do I know you? Because you sure seem to think that you know me. Maybe you are psychic and you can read my mind when you look into your crystal ball?

P.S. What is it Kyle calls Cartman in the South Park cartoons again? Refresh my memory, oh wise one.

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Post by Flybe »

If there would be a real general strike, no flights that are handled by Flightcare can leave since there would be no ramp supervision, no loadsheet, no push-back and so on...
Thanks for replying in my place, to some people who believe handling companies only are occupied with the luggage. It's unbelievable that some people seem to think that!
Well, I guess my flight in 1999 to Heathrow with ZERO ground crew working was just a dream, then.
If it was REALLY ZERO ground crew, trust me, you wouldn't have gone anywere.

Yes, you can leave without luggage, even do your own pushback (if you have engines with reverse), but forget about leaving if there is no ramp supervision or loadsheet.

Anyway, if (and i hope not!) there is a strike, I'll post here if and when I left...



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Post by Zenfookpower »

Not only with this issue but I also have the impression that the Belgian unions are very "militant" and "active" with their strikes or am I reading the wrong sources..!

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Post by Cartman »

Ozzie1969 wrote:Well, I guess my flight in 1999 to Heathrow with ZERO ground crew working was just a dream, then.
Sorry, but if there really was zero crew, you wouldn't have departed. There was maybe no visible crew, but you need at least a ramp supervisor and a push-back (the latter is needed because almost no airport allows driving away with reverse engine, unless there are no obstacles and you can drive straight forward offcourse :))...
Ozzie1969 wrote:Do I know you? Because you sure seem to think that you know me. Maybe you are psychic and you can read my mind when you look into your crystal ball?
No, but I just guessed it when I read your (let's be honest) simplistic post about Flightcare and its employees. You almost sound like a manager yourself :)
Ozzie1969 wrote:P.S. What is it Kyle calls Cartman in the South Park cartoons again? Refresh my memory, oh wise one.
F*cking fat*ss is what you are referring to I think. No problem, my pleasure...
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Post by LX-LGX »

The juridical nonsense that some post here, is really unbelievable. I do hope they are more experienced in their cockpit / cabin.

The Vindevoghel case has not finished yet: it has only just started. Off course some will now correct my English vocabulary, but anyway: the trial that's going on now, is only a kortgeding trial. That's a short trial that doens't go about the real grounds of the case. It's a trial before the real trial. The judge doens't speak out on the content of the discussion: the judge just states if or if not he/she thinks that the dismissal seems to be against the Labour law. Flightcare has lost the Appeal case, and they're now "in cassatie / en cassation": if that judge states that the previous judge hasn't made any proceedings errors, the Appeal judgement states.

When that's done, the real Vindevoghel case can start. Followed by another appeal. Followed by another cassatie/cassation. Let me make a guess: we'll then be in 2012 or 2015.

Meanwhile, don't believe the unions who say that the judgement states that Vindevoghel has to be re-engaged by Flightcare. The judge only ruled that her dismissal was illegal. But that is not the same as an obligation to re-engage: illegal dismissal means it's pay time for Vindevoghel: for a union delegate, it's even triple tariff for the indemnity Flightcare will have to pay. The worst thing that could happen to Vindevoghel, is that she has to start working at Flightcare next Monday. Because she's then loosing the indemnity of more then 100.000 euro.

And for those who want me and my fellow passengers to believe that both cases (bad working conditions and Vindevoghel) are not linked to the strike that is announced: we are not as stupid as you think. Even your newspaper links (sic) both cases:

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Post by Cartman »

The worst thing that could happen to Vindevoghel, is that she has to start working at Flightcare next Monday. Because she's then loosing the indemnity of more then 100.000 euro.

Absolutely true, the best thing that can happen to her is sitting at home, being paid by Flightcare and meanwhile working for her ultra-left party (Lijst Maria wich is somehow part of the communist PVdA if I'm correct).

Once again, I'm not really her biggest fan, but court verdicts are there to be followed, that's what the order in western civilization is built on...

But again, nothing to do with future actions...
I'm in love with my lust, burning angelwings to dust, I wish I had your angel tonight...

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Post by OrientThai »

Any updates if a strike is still planned for tomorrow or this weekend?
Thanks in advance

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Post by b720 »

indeed court orders there to follow..that is what we call respect and confidence in our judicairy, corner stone of our democracy..
as for the person complaining about the use of French or other languages in "flemish" Bru airport..this attitude gets you no where. Soon you'll have to speak hindi, I seriously hope that bru airport will hire some hindi speakers for the pax on jet airways. finally I always beleived that employees in compnaies who are also uninion officials or what have you are worth their weight in dust when it comes to productivity. Hope we will see the day when they will dissapear in thin air.

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Post by SN30952 »

b720 wrote:indeed court orders there to follow..that is what we call respect and confidence in our judicairy, corner stone of our democracy..
as for the person complaining about the use of French or other languages in "flemish" Bru airport..this attitude gets you no where. Soon you'll have to speak hindi, I seriously hope that bru airport will hire some hindi speakers for the pax on jet airways. finally I always beleived that employees in compnaies who are also uninion officials or what have you are worth their weight in dust when it comes to productivity. Hope we will see the day when they will dissapear in thin air.
They work or operate by the rules and laws of the federal country, the Kingdom of Belgium, b720. Who does not like that can try to change it? That's also democracy. I don't have the same hope as "we", together with millions of workers in the same kingdom... But opinions are free... in a democratic state.
Flemish, Walloon, Belgian, Hindi are written like this. That is a rule! judicairy = judiciary, compnaies = companies, uninion = union, dissapear = disappear English orthography contains many inconsistencies between spelling and pronunciation. :wink:

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Post by b720 »

excuse the spelling ;-) you miss the point (must have been the spelling)
I said:
1. should respect the rule of law
2. Union memebers in companies are more of an impedement than an asset.
3. should be prepared to speak Hindi if good for business...rather than bicker NL V/S French

union interference+language complexeties (little minds) = failed business
numerous examples in Belgian aviation...

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Post by ElcoB »

b720 wrote: union interference+language complexeties (little minds) = failed business
numerous examples in Belgian aviation...
I agree with the language thing, but Belgium is one of the richest (business-successes) country's of the world.
Re-read the Belgian economical and social history of the last 50 years.
The importance of unions in our affluent society is unmistakable.

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Post by b720 »

Correct, depending on where you are in the country; nevertheless it has the potential to be at the top, but it is not.

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