B.air: after Camair now looking into other airlines?

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B.air: after Camair now looking into other airlines?

Post by OrientThai »

Well it seems that Brussels Airlines is interested in other regional African airlines.
I've read today an article in La Libre saying that SN was interested in Rwandair Express. The Rwandese government for the privatisation of this airline has retained SN and another contender.

I also came across this article saying that SN is a strategic partner for setting up a new regional airline in Central Africa, Air Cémac.
Le 8e sommet a aussi officiellement retenu la compagnie aérienne belge Brussels Airlines comme partenaire stratégique de la future compagnie communautaire Air Cémac. Annoncée depuis 2001, sa mise en service est depuis régulièrement retardée.
:arrow: http://www.agefi.com/Quotidien_en_ligne ... sID=159110

This shows that after the setback with Camair SN is still looking intensively to set up a regional airline in Africa. Let's hope they will succeed with at least one of their project.

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