Price of the ticket

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Price of the ticket

Post by airazurxtror » ... c48ad52006

Les compagnies aériennes utilisant un système de réservation électronique doivent, pour tout vol au départ d'un aéroport de l'Union dont le tarif est affiché, préciser dès le début le prix définitif à payer par le passager, a indiqué jeudi la Cour de Justice de l'Union européenne (CJUE). Saisie d'un différend entre la compagnie aérienne allemande Air Berlin et l'Union fédérale allemande des centrales et associations de consommateurs, la Cour a estimé que, dans le cadre d'un système de réservation électronique tel que celui en cause, le prix définitif à payer par un passager doit être précisé lors de chaque indication du prix des services aériens, y compris lors de la première indication.

Airlines using an electronic booking system, for all flights departing from an EU airport which costs is displayed, must clearly state from the beginning the final price to be paid by the passenger, said Thursday the Court of Justice the European Union (CJEU). Judging a dispute between the German airline Air Berlin and the German Federal Union of the central and consumer associations, the Court held that in the context of an electronic booking system such as that in the final price payable by a passenger must be specified at each indication of prices for air services, including at the first indication.

Hear, Jetairfly ?

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Joined: 06 Dec 2010, 20:54

Re: Price of the ticket

Post by Passenger »

airazurxtror wrote:Hear, Jetairfly ?
Hear, Air Berlin !

Posts: 7280
Joined: 06 Dec 2010, 20:54

Re: Price of the ticket

Post by Passenger »

The EU Court of Justice has confirmed that "at all times" really means "at all times", and not "at all times, excluding for flights that haven't been selected yet", like Air Berlin's booking engine applied back in 2009.

Existing legislation : EU-Rule 1008 (October 2008): ... 32008R1008
(multiple language change possible, both in html and pdf)

See remark 16 :

"...Customers should be able to compare effectively the prices for air services of different airlines. Therefore the final price to be paid by the customer for air services originating in the Community should at all times be indicated, inclusive of all taxes, charges and fees. Community air carriers are also encouraged to indicate the final price for their air services from third countries to the Community..."

See Article 23 :

"Information and non-discrimination"

1. Air fares and air rates available to the general public shall include the applicable conditions when offered or published in any form, including on the Internet, for air services from an airport located in the territory of a Member State to which the Treaty applies. The final price to be paid shall at all times be indicated and shall include the applicable air fare or air rate as well as all applicable taxes, and charges, surcharges and fees which are unavoidable and foreseeable at the time of publication. In addition to the indication of the final price, at least the following shall be specified:

(a) air fare or air rate;
(b) taxes;
(c) airport charges; and
(d) other charges, surcharges or fees, such as those related to security or fuel;

where the items listed under (b), (c) and (d) have been added to the air fare or air rate. Optional price supplements shall be communicated in a clear, transparent and unambiguous way at the start of any booking process and their acceptance by the customer shall be on an ‘opt-in’ basis.

2. Without prejudice to Article 16(1), access to air fares and air rates for air services from an airport located in the territory of a Member State to which the Treaty applies, available to the general public shall be granted without any discrimination based on the nationality or the place of residence of the customer or on the place of establishment of the air carrier's agent or other ticket seller within the Community.

(end of copy/paste)

Posts: 7280
Joined: 06 Dec 2010, 20:54

Re: Price of the ticket

Post by Passenger »

The Dutch official consumer authority ACM Autoriteit Consument en Markt has fined ticket agency World Ticket Center with 350.000 € for infracts against price setting regulations for airline tickets.

1. WTC didn't show non-avoidable surcharges before step one in the booking engine

2. WTC didn't advise that there were variable surcharges before step one in the booking engine

3. Insurance was presented as an opt-out - must be done as opt-in ("click here if you want it")

WTC has been fined 350.000 € and ACM ordered WTC to amend their website immediately.

Details are only available in Dutch:

Press release ACM: ... isprijzen/

Full report ACM - pdf 4 Mb:

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