Advancing aviation: FAA reauthorization highlights


The recent passage of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reauthorization bill marks a significant milestone in bolstering aviation safety, passenger protections, and infrastructure investment. With bipartisan support, the bill authorizes over $105 billion in funding for the FAA and $738 million for the National Transportation Safety Board over the next five years.

Key highlights of the bill include:

  1. Addressing Air Traffic Controller Shortage: Mandating the FAA to hire and train as many air traffic controllers as possible to close a significant gap of 3,000 vacancies. This aims to enhance aviation safety and efficiency by ensuring adequate staffing levels.
  2. Improving Runway Safety: The bill requires the installation of additional runway technology at medium and large hub airports to reduce the risk of collisions and near-collisions, enhancing overall safety measures.
  3. Enhancing Passenger Protections: Introducing measures such as automatic cash refunds for flight cancellations or substantial delays, providing passengers with greater convenience and transparency in resolving travel disruptions.
  4. Protecting Airline Workers: Strengthening legal protections for ground-based aviation employees and enhancing self-defense training for flight attendants to better respond to unruly passengers and other threats, prioritizing the safety and well-being of airline staff.
  5. Standardizing Travel Credits: Ensuring that travel credits issued by airlines are usable for at least five years, providing passengers with greater flexibility in utilizing credits for future travel.
  6. Enhancing Cockpit Voice Recording: Mandating commercial aircraft to carry 25-hour cockpit voice recorders, a substantial increase from the current two-hour standard. This measure, advocated by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), aims to improve the effectiveness of accident investigations.

Airlines for America (A4A) has expressed appreciation for the bipartisan efforts in passing the FAA reauthorization bill, emphasizing its crucial investments in national airspace infrastructure. A4A particularly highlights provisions addressing the air traffic controller shortage, underscoring the importance of ensuring optimal staffing levels for aviation safety and efficiency.


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