On Saturday 5 March 2022, a private plane carrying former US President Donald Trump lost one of its engines and was therefore forced to land in an emergency.
After flying a hundred miles from New Orleans Lakefront Airport, the plane lost one of the engines, reports newspaper The Washington Post. The pilot made the decision to turn back over the Gulf of Mexico to return to land in Louisiana, where he came from. The aircraft, a Falcon 900 built by Dassault and made available by a donor to the Republican Party, carried former President Donald Trump, some of his advisers, members of the Secret Service, a part of its staff, and the on-board personnel.
After a successful emergency landing, Donald Trump’s teams scrambled to charter another plane from another Republican Party donor. This allowed the former President of the United States to return to his luxurious residence in Palm Beach, Florida. However, he was only able to achieve this in the early morning of the following day.