ostend airport night flights

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ostend airport night flights

Post by ciaran »

just sough on txt. (of tv1) that ostend has a permission of West-Vlaanderen to increase the night flights up to 7300 a year.
that's about 20 flights at night and this is 14 times more then it is at the moment.
this is verry good news for ostend and a good impulse for the region and our economy.
ps sorry if there are folds in my language

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Post by vliegtuigfreak »

Wow, thats indeed very great news! Thanks for charing with us ciaran!

Sonny :wink:

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Post by Avro »

Nice to hear that OST is able to increase the nulber of night flights. But I wonder what Wiloo will be saying tomorrow :roll:

BTW your english is very good, don't worry about mistakes. Nobody is perfect ;)


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Post by Ozzie1969 »

The Ostend City Council has immediately voiced its concern about these plans. These are the same politicians who want to build hundreds of new houses right next to the runway... :roll:

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ostend airport night flights

Post by EBOS87 »

Avro, here is the answer of WILOO (sorry, only in Dutch):


Het is maandag 6 september 2004, het is 23.30 uur en er is zéér slecht nieuws te berichten.
Het einde van Oostende, de regio en het welzijn van de Oostendenaars zijn voor een stuk in zicht.
Deze avond vernam vzw WILOO via www.tv1.be en het Focus tv-journaal dat de Oostendse luchthaven het maximum zou kunnen krijgen van de Westvlaamse Provinciale Milieuvergunningscommissie voor de aanvraag van haar nieuwe milieuvergunning 2005-2025. Een vergunningsaanvraag voor 20 jaar dan nog wel !
Volgens Focus-tv heeft Oostends Schepen voor Leefmilieu - Yves Miroir - een blik mogen werpen op het dossier.
WILOO die al jarenlang strijdt voor het welzijn van een groot stuk Oostende blijft in het ongewisse en houdt hiervoor al wekenlang de adem in.
WILOO die eind juli een onderhoud had met de WPM vraagt al weken naéén het verslag op van deze bijeenkomst maar krijgt het niet ! Ondanks de telefonische beloftes. Er is hier dus iets aan de hand !

Stad Oostende - die al jarenlang de belangen van de luchthaven verdedigt - krijgt nu een koekje van eigen deeg.
De WPM bracht vandaag haar advies uit aan de Bestendige Deputatie.
Volgens de WPM mag Oostende gerust kapot !
Weg met onze grootste economische motor ....het toerisme, de middenstand, haar bewoners.
Gedaan met welzijn en nachtrust in gans Oostende !
Voor de WPM mogen alle kansen naar het zwaarverlieslatende en sterk-polluerende Dirty Airport gaan waar niet eens 100 mensen werken en waar Vlaanderen jaarlijks 250 miljoen oude bfr,- deficiet (exploitatiekosten) mag inpompen. De jaarlijkse gigantische investeringskosten achterwege gelaten.

De Oostendse en Middelkerkse milieuraden adviseerden een afbouw van de Oostendse luchthavenactiviteiten omwille van haar polluerende activiteiten en omwille van haar barslechte ligging tgo zowat alles in de omgeving.
Stad Oostende adviseerde een afbouw van het aantal nachtbewegingen (van 900 naar 730) en nog enkele andere beperkingen (water- en lichtpollutie).
Middelkerke liet een zeer beperkte groei toe mits naleving van uitermate strenge voorwaarden waaraan de Oostendse luchthaven moeilijk zou kunnen voldoen (bvb. stille en veilige vliegtuigen).
+/- 400 Oostendenaars dienden gefundeerde bezwaarschriften in voor beperking van de luchthavenactiviteiten en voor behoud van hun welzijn.
Ook de Bond Beter Leefmilieu kon zich absoluut niet vinden in de voorwaarden van de aanvraag en tekende uitgebreid bezwaar aan.
WILOO volgt het advies van de Oostendse Milieuraad t.t.z. beperking overdag met 2000 als referentiejaar en een nachtsluiting van 22.00 uur tot 06.00 uur. Dit laatste is dan ook steeds een WILOO-standpunt geweest !
Blijkt nu - na laatste berichtgeving - dat de luchthaven ongebreideld zal kunnen groeien, zowel overdag als 's nachts.
De WPM is duidelijk niet goed wijs en WILOO vermoedt dat het Provinciaal orgaan sterk beïnvloed werd door de oppermachtige luchtvaartlobby ! WILOO was hier in juli trouwens getuige van ! De heren van de luchthaven kregen extra vrije tijd om hun argumenten te verdedigen. De rest mocht gaan.

Na de geplande bouw van 500 nieuwe woningen op de rand van de startbaan wordt Oostende dezer dagen nogmaals ferm op haar kop gezet !
Luchthavenmanager Gino Vanspauwen - die met ZIJN gezin gezond en wel in Denderleeuw woont - lijkt zijn slag ferm thuis te zullen halen in Oostende .
Volgens de WPM mag de luchthaven overdag onbeperkt groeien en mogen het aantal nachtelijke bewegingen stijgen van 900 op jaarbasis naar 7300 ! Ronduit waanzinnig !
Dit zou kunnen betekenen dat er overdag 500 bewegingen plaatsgrijpen en 's nacht 20 !!!
Carte blanche dus voor Ostend Airport !
Indien deze informatie klopt dan is het voor WILOO duidelijk dat het dan ook ' finito ' is met Oostende en omstreken.
Badstad Oostende, ooit bakermat van toerisme, rust, welzijn en gezondheid zal eraan zijn voor de moeite.

Als blijkt dat de Bestendige Deputatie het advies van de WPM volgt dan rekent WILOO grotendeels op Stad Oostende om deze beslissing aan te vechten.
Schepen voor Leefmilieu - Yves Miroir - beloofde tijdens laatste Milieuraad en tijdens de Gemeenteraad van juni en ook voor de pers om harde acties te voeren indien de beslissing van de Bestendige Deputatie ook maar iets zou afwijken van het advies van Stad Oostende. " Dan stappen we naar de Raad van State " : zei hij enkele maanden geleden nog !
Op de ondemocratisch-verkozen CD&V-UNIZO-zakenman Kris Peeters, tegelijkertijd Vlaams minister voor Leefmilieu en Minister voor luchthavens zal Oostende wellicht weinig kunnen rekenen.
WILOO steunt dus Schepen voor Leefmilieu - Yves Miroir - voluit in zijn opzet om deze toestand aan te klagen !

WILOO - van haar kant - zal uiteraard alle juridische middelen aangrijpen om de belangen van de Oostendenaars te verdedigen.
Mocht straks blijken dat de Bestendige Deputatie het advies volgt van de WPM en de nieuwe milieuvergunning in die zin wordt afgeleverd dan zal WILOO niet aarzelen om die mensen die de beslissing namen aan te klagen en hun persoonlijk aansprakelijk te stellen voor alle gevolgen inzake gezondheid en veiligheid voor de Oostendenaars.
Sowieso zal WILOO dan naar de Raad van State stappen.

Nu is het nog rustig rondom de luchthaven....
Nu stinkt het maar af en toe rondom de luchthaven....
Nu komen we 's nachts maar af en toe eens wakker....
Veel oude bakken vliegen op Oostende maar vallen wel elders neer....
WILOO vraagt bij deze aan alle Oostendenaars om zich wat combatiever op te stellen.
Voor het weer eens TE LAAT zal zijn ......
Oostende en haar toerisme waren er immers eerst !

De vzw WILOO

I really hate WILOO :twisted: :twisted: , I live close to the airport and there isn't that much noise. WILOO is predicting in this message the end of Ostend and it's tourism, this completely nonsens. WILOO thinks it is defending the faith of all inhabitants of Ostend, but this as well not true because there are plenty of persons in Ostend who want that the airport can grow (e.g.: REPLO).

When will this absurd committee finally stop????


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Post by Rago »

Finally some good news

:banana: :banana: :banana:

and :censored: WILOO !!! woehahahahahaaaa :tongue:

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Post by Ozzie1969 »

What does "WILOO" stand for?

W is for "w*nkers"
I is for "idi*ts"
L is for "l*sers"
O is for "of"
O is for "Ostend"

Ostend and its tourism was first? Who was first, mr WILOO, you or the airport? If you can't stand aircraft noise, why did you buy a house right next to an airport? Hm? I'll tell you why : because it was CHEAP! I can't remember what the name was of that (former?) spokesperson of WILOO, who always used to air his petty frustrations on local and sometimes national television, but I happen to remember when this man (does anybody remember his name?) was a teacher in my school, and I overheard him saying to a colleague of his that he'd been able to buy his building ground a lot cheaper than he'd anticipated, and therefore would be able to spend more money on the house itself... I guess he didn't know back then that he'd bought land within earshot of an airport? Or maybe he didn't know aircraft make noise? These kind of people make me sick! If the airport closes down completely, will these moaners promise never to use their car in any other street than their own? Cars make noise, and obviously these people wouldn't want to inflict THEIR noise on MY street, would they? I was here first, you know! Why is there never a single journalist in this godforsaken country that asks these WILOO-w*nkers why they ever bought a house right next to an airport if they're allergic to aircraftnoise??? :roll:

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Post by ciaran »

Why is there never a single journalist in this godforsaken country that asks these WILOO-w*nkers why they ever bought a house right next to an airport if they're allergic to aircraftnoise???
you're totaly right about this!!!

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Post by regi »

I am not a teacher in Ostend and I am not Wilo. But there is a problem with Ostend. Noise. Final. There is relatively much more noise around Ostend than around Zaventem. Fact. Why? Because there land old airplanes. Yes. 707, old 747, Ant, 727, lucky no more Ilyu. If Ostend would be more aggressive to really try to attract more business, but at the same time prohibits its airport to be used by old airplanes, we would see a dramatic increase of jobs. And not a dramatic closure. Look at Ryanair. They buy new airplanes, they don't use old left overs. Kick out the cowboy companies at Ostend. Attract real business. EVA Air Cargo uses already Ostend . So , is it really ridiculous to ask why we don't see other respectable cargo companies coming "en masse" to Ostend?
Let us steal Emirates from Bierset.
Btw, I saw a Dakota last Sathurday afternoon around Bruges. Huh? That is really old!

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Post by sn26567 »

Good point, regi!
regi wrote:Let us steal Emirates from Bierset.
No intra-Belgian competition please. Steal whoever you want from AMS or CDG, I will not budge one thumb. But not from another Belgian airport...
ex Sabena #26567

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Post by ciaran »

we deserve a chance like every other airport to grow. And maybe there are old planes but still they have charm. And eventually they will be replaced in some time. and yes we have to get emirates or rynair back FAST.
does anybody have news from rynair at ostend?
greetz ciaran

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Post by Andries »

regi wrote:Because there land old airplanes. Yes. 707, old 747, Ant, 727, lucky no more Ilyu.
For your info :
:arrow: We have no regular 707 visitors !
:arrow: We have no regular 727 visitors !
:arrow: B747 all have Stage III engines !!! Those same 747-types visit BRU and hundreds of other airports around the globe !
:arrow: Antonovs also have Stage III engines (Hushkitted Stage II)
regi wrote:If Ostend would be more aggressive to really try to attract more business, but at the same time prohibits its airport to be used by old airplanes, we would see a dramatic increase of jobs.
:arrow: And what aircraft exactly would you prohibit at EBOS ? the 747-100 and -200 ?
:arrow: With what aircraft do you think most (larger) company's operate their cargo flights ? Yes, the 747 classic's !

How many airlines do you know that operate the most modern aircraft in their Cargo Fleet ? DHL operates A300 and B757 aircraft, both Stage III aircraft ! But still they are complaining about the noise ! Whatever aircraft you prohibit from visiting EBOS or any other airport, after a while the people living there people would find that even a Cessna makes to much noise !

:arrow: Even if you prohibited the oldest EBOS-visitors to come to EBOS, what other aircraft do you think will visit us ? You don't actually believe a company like e.g. Singapore Airlines Cargo would be ready to come to EBOS within a month (or ever) ? It would take months before other larger company's would visit EBOS !
This would make jobs disappear instead of creating new ones (on short term).
regi wrote:EVA Air Cargo uses already Ostend
:arrow: Where the F*** have you been these past few years ? Eva Air once operated 5 or 6 flights to EBOS (I believe it was around christmas 2000) and after that we didn't see them anymore ! So please if you say something, make shure you do have some knowledge of the things you are saying !. Thank you !

And don't you try involving Saudi Arabian Airlines Cargo !!! they only come to EBOS because of the works at EBBR. Those are just fuelstops. That contract will end in the first quarter of 2005 !

All those people complaining about EBBR and EBOS should really think about what they are saying !


:twisted: Andries :twisted:
Don't dream your life, live your dream !!!

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Post by V-Bird »

sn26567 wrote:Good point, regi!
regi wrote:Let us steal Emirates from Bierset.
No intra-Belgian competition please. Steal whoever you want from AMS or CDG, I will not budge one thumb. But not from another Belgian airport...
Take it from ams??????? You already take -steal- TNT ( what is a dutch company ) to Liege

so no intra BeNeLux competition! Try to manage you own airline stuff, instead of taken it from others!

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Re: re

Post by Buzz »

V-Bird wrote:Take it from ams??????? You already take -steal- TNT ( what is a dutch company ) to Liege

so no intra BeNeLux competition! Try to manage you own airline stuff, instead of taken it from others!
Hey, AMS stole Polar from Liege, didn't they :wink:
That's the way the world works...


Post by Robin_Bamps »

I'm for 100% behind all your statements Andries :!:

And a statement seen in another topic... all those :censored: organisations like DAEDALUS and WILOO will only be satisfied if all airlines use gliders :!:

Regards, Robin Bamps.

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Post by Established02 »

> You already take -steal- TNT ( what is a dutch company ) to Liege

I believe TNT was based at CGN until 1998. Only when CGN could not provide more space or growth opportunities, then TNT decided to move it's base to LGG.

TNT could possibly have based their operations somewhere in Holland, but for whatever reason (financial or operational) they found a foreign investment in LGG more opportune.

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Post by regi »

sorry Andries,
I saw a eva air cargo at ostend last summer.
You don't have to curse me for that, it is not my fault.
Oh yes, it was doing more than fueling. Cargo was handled. I didn't say that EVA has its cargohub at Ostend. I just say it uses Ostend.
(btw who is doing aircargo for Daikin?)

And are you saying that if 707 is not handled on a regular base, that there are no 707 on the tarmac?

And about old or new cargo planes: is it not federal express which orders new planes for cargo? I hope you are aware that new cargo planes are being build such as 747 and even A380 in the future?
Noise is not just a matter of the engines. Can somebody explain why suddenly the MD-11's of DHL turn out to be a undesired airplane, despite its engines are far more modern that the 15 year older 747's of the first generation?

About charm, well, everybody may like whatever he likes. But I don't like smoking 707's , or shrieking Iljushins.

My only point was: let's go for the best. Let us not get trapped by cheap cheap cheap. Let us go for quality.

Oh yes, no answer yet about that Dakota last Sathurday. Anyone?

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Post by regi »

group, shake me bit please.
I just saw the website of Andries. Btw, great job Andries.
And in the section Ostend, we see a 747 of Evergreen in August 2004. Guys, please tell me, Evergreen is Eva Air Cargo. Yes?
And isn't it Andries who cursed me some messages above that Eva doesn't use Ostend?
So what is that picture doing on his website?
Okay, now we all gonna hear it was just for fuel.
Okay, okay. Let us rest in peace, Andries. Imagine somebody starts to think that you put fake pictures on your website.

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