No runway lengthening for Bierset?

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No runway lengthening for Bierset?

Post by Atlantis »

A time ago the Walloon government gave SAB the permission to lengthen the main-runway. After a while the city of Riemst and the flemisch government went to the court about this dicission. Riemst because about the heavier aircrafts coming to Bierset and the flemisch government because the Walloon government didn't tell the flemisch that they gave SAB permission for this construction works.
The city of Maastricht was also involved: inhabitants about more traffic above their houses and the council because Bierset is a competitor in cargo.

SAB is now questioning if they may working further or not.

So, it's not only Zaventem who has problems.

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Post by Acid-drop »

Sad enough ...
This looks again like a little war between north and south.

I dont think heavier airplane make more noice than those we have already now ... LGG receive already 747 cargo ... so the real question is ... will the A380 cargo make more noice than old engines we have now.

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Post by sn26567 »

The works have already started. Are they going to stop them? What a waste of money that would be!
ex Sabena #26567

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Post by Acid-drop »

I think they started only the first half.
Dunno if it's over yet.

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Post by pull-up »

For the moment they are finishing the resurfacing works on 23L, but I don't think they are increasing the RWY length.
TNT operations remains unaffected as RWY 23R is used, only a few heavy longhaul aircraft of others operators have to divert to Ostend as RWY 23R is just 2300 m long.

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Post by Acid-drop »

I found information : ... &SubMenu=#

=> Mercredi 03 août 2005
=>> Chantier sur la piste principale de Bierset.
For those who dont understand french :
The resurfacing and the first 100m enlargement of the track are almost done.

The rest of the enlargement is schedule for spring 2006, if everything goes ok ... Then, LGG will be the only airport in belgium to be able to receive A380 and new boeing (as they say).

Track : 3700m instead of 3287m now.
More info in french :

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Post by Atlantis »

According to BIAC, BRU can also received an A380 cargo version. The only works they have to do is strengthen the both sides of the runways.

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Post by LX-LGX »

There are three Belgian authorities (and one Dutch) who indeed oppose extension of the runway, all for different reasons, and who have all started a lawsuit against SAB and/or the Wallloon government.

It indeed looks that the Raad van State / Conseil D'Etat (the Suppreme Administrative Court of Belgium) will indeed suspend the construction of the additional 413m: the prosecutor says in his report that the official authorisation was granded illegally. Although Bierset is Walloon territory, national laws also apply. And of the national laws is that such matter has to be advised to the Flemish government (noise restrictions in Flanders are a Flemish jurisdiction, and Bierset is very close to Flanders).

works underway, but now facing legal problems:

One of the Flemish political parties has this press release online:

De gemeente Riemst, Burgemeester Jan Peumans en het Vlaams Gewest halen een slag thuis. Auditeur van de Raad van State geeft negatief advies over verlenging van de startbaan. Jan Peumans : “Ik kan me niet voorstellen dat er in Zuid-Limburg ook maar iemand problemen heeft met de luchthaven van Bierset. Veel vakantiegangers halen immers profijt uit de nabijgelegen luchthaven. Zelfs de uitbreiding van de luchthaven hoeft niet noodzakelijk een probleem te vormen. Maar van onze nachtrust moeten ze afblijven ! De uitbreiding van Bierset mag dan al goed zijn voor onze economie, een gezonde nachtrust is dat evenzeer.”

Burgemeester en Vlaams Volksvertegenwoordiger Jan Peumans verzet zich, samen met verschillende actiegroepen, Waalse- en Vlaamse gemeenten, al jaren tegen de toenemende, nachtelijke geluidsoverlast. Zelfs vanuit het Nederlands-Limburgse Maastricht klinkt er hevig protest vanwege enkele buurtplatforms.

“De vele klachten van inwoners werden nooit serieus genomen. We hebben eind 2003 bijna 1.300 bezwaarschriften verzameld. Gelukkig kunnen we ons nu ook baseren op harde bewijzen. In de gemeente Riemst bevindt zich een permanent meetstation. De resultaten van het meetstation wezen al uit dat een respectabel aantal van de nachtvluchten van- en naar Bierset boven de geluidsnorm van 73 decibel uitstijgt. Dat is de richtwaarde die geldt voor de regio rond Zaventem! Het lijkt me logisch dat Zuid-Limburg evenveel recht heeft op nachtrust.”

Het project rond de verlenging van de hoofdpiste met 413 meter heeft tot doel zwaardere toestellen (B 747) aan te kunnen trekken. Omwille van het grote gewicht zullen deze vliegtuigen minder snel hoogte nemen, en dus over een grotere afstand lager blijven vliegen. Resultaat : meer geluidsoverlast voor meer omwonenden, … en dus ook voor Zuid-Limburg.

In 2004 leverde uittredend Waals Minister FORET (MR) een stedebouwkundige vergunning af voor de verlenging van de startbaan. Opvallend feit : diezelfde heer FORET maakt tevens deel uit van de ‘Société pour la Promotion de l’aéroport de Liège-Bierset’ (SAB).

Noch het Vlaams Gewest, noch de betrokken Vlaamse gemeenten werden in kennis gesteld van het project of de aflevering van de stedebouwkundige vergunning. De Waalse Regering had in elk geval het Vlaams Gewest moeten inlichten, maar deed dit niet. Hiermee werd een Samenwerkingsakkoord tussen de gewesten geschonden.

Onlangs werd, na het Milieueffectenrapport (MER) en de sluiting van het openbaar onderzoek ook een milieuvergunning afgeleverd. Dit gebeurde opnieuw zonder het Vlaams Gewest of de betrokken Vlaamse gemeenten in kennis te stellen. Opnieuw werd het Samenwerkingsakkoord tussen de Gewesten geschonden. Bovendien legt het Waals Regering hiermee een eigen Besluit van de Waalse Regering naast zich neer!

Op initiatief van Burgemeester Jan Peumans diende de gemeente Riemst vorig jaar bezwaar in tegen de onwettige aflevering van de bouwvergunning bij de Raad van State. Het Vlaamse Gewest volgde door kort daarna ook bezwaar in te dienen. “De auditeur van de Raad van State heeft nu negatief advies gegeven over de aflevering van de bouwvergunning”, zo vernam Burgemeester Jan Peumans vrijdag j.l. van de heer Luc MISSON, de Franstalige raadsman die de belangen van de gemeente Riemst verdedigt.

“Doorgaans volgt de Raad van State het advies van de auditeur. Dat zou betekenen dat we een belangrijke veldslag hebben gewonnen. Wanneer de bouwvergunning geschorst wordt, dan betekent dit dat ook de Milieuvergunning geschorst moet worden. De Waalse Regering heeft ons bij de aflevering van beide vergunningen telkens genegeerd en daardoor twee maal dezelfde, ernstige procedurefout gemaakt.

Ik heb ook het volste vertrouwen in het volgehouden engagement van Minister Peeters in dit dossier. Nogmaals, ik heb absoluut niets tegen de regionale luchthaven van Bierset, maar ik beschouw dit wel als een kleine overwinning in onze strijd vóór een gezonde nachtrust. Zal een eventuele inperking van het aantal nachtvluchten in Zaventem misschien een uitbreiding betekenen voor Bierset? De manier waarop Bierset destijds lonkte naar DHL ligt nog vers in het geheugen. We volgen alles met argusogen en zullen indien nodig nieuwe juridische stappen zetten … en als het moet, gaan we actie voeren.”

Jan Peumans
Burgemeester Riemst - Vlaams volksvertegenwoordiger

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Post by an-148 »

Poor Belgium: again a typical north/south procedural fight!
Real facts are:
- because of better ILS (catIII vs catII) and mainly west headwind, runway 23 is in use the most part of the year with very few exceptions what means exceptional take-off in NE direction!
- the main NIGHT user of the airport, a parcel forwarder uses mostly aircraft known as QuietTraders and runway lengthening has NO influence onits traffic
- B747 are already now regular user of LGG and are mainly used by other carriers than the parcel carrier so most of their movments are outside 22h/06h.
- benefit expected from extention will be: allow full charge and full fuel to B747 (which will not be noisyer because of that!) and accept full loaded A380 which is the last step of technology, also in matter of noise! Aircraft concerned by lengthening will be a max of 5/day, remembering that they don't necessary be the one who will make movments during the night!!!!!!!!!!
It's a FACT that the lenghtening will have no impact at all on noise: real fact is that the intention to harm is predominant in that matter: a great pity, what a shame!

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Post by LX-LGX »

This country has two Communities: Flanders and Wallonia. There are also three Regions: Flemish Region, Brussels-Capital Region and Walloon Region. This is all settled by laws, and if one authority thinks they don't have to follow these laws, only THEY are responsible for the consequences.

But that's not the post important aspect of this topic. Brussels-Capital Region has installed a stupid 45 db limit and it has opposed to (more) night flights. They've forced DHL to leave BRU. The honourable Minister-President of the Brussels-Capital Region belongs to the same party as the president of Liège Airport and as the Minister-President of Wallonia. Hundreds (if not thousands) of jobs in Flanders and in Brussels-Capital Region have been lost because of these stupid noise regulations. It's becoming more and more clear that one political party had a hidden agenda: cut jobs in Brussels and Flanders and transfer them to Wallonia, at Bierset f.e.

(note for the administration: it's not easy to discuss a political topic like this without talking about politics).

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Post by an-148 »

as I said: politic and nothing else!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post by Dutchyboi »

i had no problems with a/c's coming over on approach into luik around 11 30ish at night made noise but nothing over the top. Had my head hanging out the window :P But politics in most cases has the last say :cry:


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Post by sn-remember »

Yes indeed a very foolish if not beastly attitude.
And what's more, perfectly ungrounded as you rightly put forward :!:

Just an example that comes into my mind of so-called nuisance created near country borders is the nuclear plants which were in the past typically built near borders. Did anyone complained ? Oh yes there were massive demo's and that's all.

And to come back to this matter, sorry for the complainers but they should know that an airport , like any business, will simply die if prevented from development possibilities !
Or maybe that what's they want ? A sort of airfield museum you can visit the WE to show the kids what an airport looked like in the past ?
We have plenty of the like in Wallonia already :cry:
And meanwhile go to our friendly neighbours for the real thing and count on the social security here to pay for the jobless :roll:

I sincerely hope that fairness and common sense will eventually prevail in this dossier :!:

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Post by Acid-drop »

Liege had and continue to have many improvements : new surface for the track, new terminal, extention of the TNT hub, creation of new business park, creation of a new hotel, possible link with the high speed train network, new fuel tanks (3 millions litters), new airplane parking (10 spots for large airplanes, in addition of those existing), new highway links, new car parking, new everything ...

LGG became the 9th biggest european airport for freight, perfectly located and open 24/7.

Liege works good, too good, and that scares many people.

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Post by sn26567 »

LX-LGX wrote:This country has two Communities: Flanders and Wallonia.
I think you forgot the third one: the German-speaking community. And the second one is not Wallonia (since part of Wallonia is German-speaking), but the so-called French Community of Belgium.

But yes, I know, the structure of Belgium is difficult to understand, even for natives.
LX-LGX wrote: Brussels-Capital Region has installed a stupid 45 db limit and it has opposed to (more) night flights. They've forced DHL to leave BRU.

I am sorry to disagree on this. What forced DHL out of BRU is the long absence of political vision of the federal government and tha lack of a timely decision by this same government.

The 45 dB limit in Brussels is perhaps stupid, but this has nothing to do with DHL's decision. They left because there would be limits on the number of night flights allowed in BRU.

I know it is difficult to discuss these matters without involving politics, but let's try to do it in a fair way.
ex Sabena #26567

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Post by LX-LGX »

André, the Constitution / Grondwet of Belgium says there are two Gemeenschappen and three Gewesten: two Communities and three Regions. The German speaking population of Belgium indeed is a community, but not a constitutional Community.

Regarding my quote: "... The 45 dB limit in Brussels is perhaps stupid, but this has nothing to do with DHL's decision. They left because there would be limits on the number of night flights allowed in BRU..."

Brussels-Capital Region is doing everything to avoid flights coming in / taking off above their territory. They do this direct ("no more fligths") and indirect ("max 45 db"). They indeed have this right, and if Flanders then does the same, BRU will shut down by 15th October. Major consequences: European Union & NATO will leave Brussels, European headquarters from bank and insurance groups will leave Brussels, and international fly in tourists will not fill up the Brussels hotels. It will take just a few days before the Brussels-Capital Region will recieve daily complaints from it's citizens, earning money from all those people.

The Brussels Region knows this, but they know also the Flemish ministers will agree whatever they want "to save the employment".

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Post by sn26567 »

LX-LGX wrote:André, the Constitution / Grondwet of Belgium says there are two Gemeenschappen and three Gewesten: two Communities and three Regions. The German speaking population of Belgium indeed is a community, but not a constitutional Community.
Are you sure?
De Belgische grondwet

Art. 1

België is een federale Staat, samengesteld uit de gemeenschappen en de gewesten.

Art. 2

België omvat drie gemeenschappen : de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, de Franse Gemeenschap en de Duitstalige Gemeenschap.

Art. 3

België omvat drie gewesten : het Vlaamse Gewest, het Waalse Gewest en het Brusselse Gewest.
Constitution de la Belgique

Art. 1er

La Belgique est un État fédéral qui se compose des communautés et des régions.

Art. 2

La Belgique comprend trois communautés : la Communauté française, la Communauté flamande et la Communauté germanophone.

Art. 3

La Belgique comprend trois régions : la Région wallonne, la Région flamande et la Région bruxelloise.
Die Verfassung Belgiens

Art. 1

Belgien ist ein Föderalstaat, der sich aus den Gemeinschaften und den Regionen zusammensetzt.

Art. 2

Belgien umfaßt drei Gemeinschaften: die Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft, die Flämische Gemeinschaft und die Französische Gemeinschaft.

Art. 3

Belgien umfaßt drei Regionen: die Wallonische Region, die Flämische Region und die Brüsseler Region.
... but we are :offtopic: here...
ex Sabena #26567

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Post by LX-LGX »

Like you say: a bit off-topic. When I was at school, I was told there there are 2 Communities and 3 Regions, and 7 governments.

However, I don't change my opinion: the Brussels-Capital Region is the cause of our problems.

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Post by an-148 »

Please, wake up: this (really) fantastic airport is a BENEFIT for ALL surrounding areas', is promoting itself with polyglott advantages (among many others) and therefore employs people from all surrounding locations to encounter the challenge of multilingual capabilities.
Not only the town of Liege (capital of a former 900 years old trilingual principality) is very openminded but especially the staff of the airport is living in the 21th century and works for the common welfare: so, please let them continue their excellent job.

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Post by sn26567 »

an-148 wrote:this (really) fantastic airport is a BENEFIT for ALL surrounding areas', is promoting itself with polyglott advantages (among many others) and therefore employs people from all surrounding locations to encounter the challenge of multilingual capabilities.
Indeed! I already mentioned elsewhere that Liège is the only airport in Belgium that features four languages on its website.
ex Sabena #26567

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