Eindhoven Airport publishes its ‘Roadmap Sustainability 2030’ on its website. In this plan, the airport provides an overview of the actions that Eindhoven Airport is taking to make the airport and aviation more sustainable, to help prevent climate change.
In the ‘Roadmap Sustainability 2030’, Eindhoven Airport describes the actions it will take up to 2030 to make its own activities at the airport more sustainable. By 2030, the airport will have nearly zero CO2 emissions through the electrification of equipment, phasing out natural gas in buildings and generating renewable energy, among other things.
To make flights from Eindhoven Airport more sustainable, the plan includes a proposal from the Eindhoven Airport Consultation (LEO) to use the ticket tax of Eindhoven Airport passengers to purchase sustainable fuel for flights departing Eindhoven Airport. According to the airport, the use of sustainable fuels for the medium term is the most promising way to make aviation more sustainable. With high blending percentages of kerosene with this sustainable fuel, the CO2 emissions of flights from Eindhoven Airport can be substantially reduced by 2030.
The airport draws the attention of Milieudefensie De Kempen and Milieudefensie Eindhoven to the publication of the ‘Roadmap Sustainability 2030’. In February of this year, they wrote to Eindhoven Airport to deliver a so-called Climate Plan.