Brussels Airport conducted a large-scale emergency exercise overseen by the Governor of Flemish Brabant Province, involving approximately 450 participants. The exercise, occurring every two years, aimed to assess emergency and safety protocols in a realistic setting, meeting EASA safety standards required for European airports. Collaboration with external intervention services, fire brigades, medical teams, federal police, Belgian Defence, local authorities, and emergency planning departments ensured comprehensive testing.
The simulation, designed in consultation with stakeholders, featured a scenario involving a collision between a military helicopter and a taxiing aircraft, resulting in simulated injuries and casualties. This allowed for the thorough testing of the Special Emergency and Intervention Plan (SEIP) and the activation of the provincial emergency plan.
To create realism, actions were live-simulated using training aircraft wreckage. Despite lasting approximately 6 hours, the exercise did not disrupt airport operations. A debriefing followed, enabling participants to assess their methods and integrate the experience into their protocols for future improvements.