Nine people complained 17,000 times about noise disturbance caused by Amsterdam Schiphol – in 1 year


Past year, Dutch Bewoners Aanspreekpunt Schiphol (BAS) received thousands of complaints about aircraft disturbance from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, The Netherlands. Nine residents from Nederhorst den Berg (30 kilometres from the airport) filed no less than 17,000 noise complaints.

Despite the dramatic decrease in flights due to the coronavirus pandemic, BAS received thousands of complaints between 1 November 2019 and 31 October 2020.

In total, 7,350 different persons filed a complaint, compared to 12,199 in the previous year. This decrease is not only due to the coronavirus pandemic, but also because the website to report was temporarily unavailable. Note that people reporting more than 500 times are not added to that number.

Most of the reports are from residents of nearby Amstelveen and Overtoom.

BAS keeps track of the reports per aircraft type, most of the reports were filed for Boeing 747 aircraft: 88 reports were filed for a Silkway Airlines Boeing 747 freighter, followed by 47 reports of another Boeing 747.


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