Amsterdam Airport Schiphol traffic and transport figures for April 2023: +16%

5.1 million passengers flew from, via or to Schiphol in April 2023. That is an increase compared to 2022 (+16%) and 2021 (+552%). The number of flights to and from Schiphol was 36,258. That also is an increase compared to 2022 (+8%) and 2021 (+164%). The most popular countries were: Great Britain, Spain, Italy, United States.
Number of passengers  6,106,496126,877786,6564,434,5875,128,555
Number of commercial flights    41,8924,24213,72233,42136,258
Number of cargo flights   1,1241,8372,0701,4671,317
Transported tonnage    126,74393,255141,132116,895113,459

Of the 5.1 million passengers in April, almost 1.8 million passengers had a transfer at Schiphol. The passengers with a transfer were 900,000 unique passengers, who are counted two times in the international counting method: as an arriving passenger and departing passenger.

Almost 3.6 million passengers travelled from or to a destination within Europe, and 1.5 million outside of Europe. The most popular destinations for April 2023, based on local departing passengers: London, Barcelona, Istanbul, Dublin, Milan, Copenhagen, Madrid, Malaga, Dubai, Lisbon. The three most popular countries were: Great Britain, Spain, Italy. The United States is the most popular intercontinental country.

The number of flights to and from Schiphol was 36,258 in April 2023. This is an increase compared to 2022 (+8%), 2021 (+164%) and 2020 (+755%). Of the 36,258 flights, 29,246 went to European destinations and 7,012 to intercontinental destinations.

The number of all-cargo flights has decreased from 1,467 to 1,317, compared to 2022. The total transported volume was 113,459 tonnes in April 2023. That is a decrease compared to 2019, 2021, 2022).

22 May 2023


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