SAS delivers world class punctuality – again


SAS was the second most on time of all global airlines in 2014 – 0,04% behind the winner. And compared with other major European airlines, SAS was the third most punctual, with 88.62% of the company’s 300,000 flights on schedule last year.

These figures come from Flightstats that publishes monthly statistics of airline punctuality. Flightstats has just announced its sixth annual On Time Performance Awards, where in the categories Global and Major Airlines SAS has been one of the world’s best airlines in each of these years.

All our employees, both on the ground and in the air, do their utmost every day to meet the high expectations our customers have of SAS. Receiving this award is a confirmation that SAS is a world beating airline and a real tribute to our employees,” said Rickard Gustafson, Group CEO of SAS.

At the same time, it is also an important award for our frequent flyers, as it confirms that SAS is a reliable airline that repays their loyalty,” added Rickard Gustafson.

Flightstats records the arrival times of over 150,000 flights a day, and then analyses and publishes the data for the benefit of millions of travelers worldwide. For more information on Flightstats:

January 27, 2015 08:32 / SAS News / English


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