On 2 September, an Aerolineas Argentinas Airbus A330 (registered LV-FVH) was towed at Buenos Aires Ezeiza Airport, Argentina. During the procedure, however, the aircraft ran off the paved surface into soft ground.
The following images appeared on social media:
URGENTE #aeropuerto #Ezeiza #ahora #Aeronave de @Aerolineas_AR rompe barra de tractor y hunde el tren de nariz en pasto por inercia. #A330
? https://t.co/MoGPjt3Lxu#AlertasTransito
de @TransitoAereoAr pic.twitter.com/UpvZbObgxP— #Alertas #Tiempo #Transito (@AlertasTransito) September 2, 2020