Putin visits Aeroflot training centre and calls western sanctions akin to a declaration of war


Russian President Vladimir Putin visited a training centre of the Russian airline Aeroflot, just outside Moscow. During a banquet, he explained the conflict in Ukraine at a table full of female flight attendants.

No more long spaced tables there. Indecent jokes were impossible to keep up. The images that were distributed are the target of ridicule on social media (see hereunder).

Putin said, among other things, that the “military operations” (as he calls the Russian invasion) in Ukraine are proceeding successfully and according to plan. He also said the resulting Western sanctions “looked like a declaration of war“.

Putin also warned that any attempt to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine would be seen as participation in the armed conflict.


  1. I think it’s very clear Putin wants to normalize relationships and get Aeroflot flying again. Let’s take a trip down memory lane when Aeroflot was banned after KAL 7 was shot down near Sakhalin Island in 1983. My senior thesis offered a comprehensive analysis of the problem and was aided by the fact I was Russian Studies major at the time. I met my wife in Japan and together was collaborated on an extraordinary mission – the discovery of time’s quantum arrow. The fact is time’s arrow acts as a massive copy machine copying everything forward in time, the good, the bad, and the ugly. What this means in a practical sense is that it is responsible for all that exists and also responsible for the poor patterns we fall into, wars, aggressions, and the like. The discovery of the arrow of time is a gamechanger. It’s a great technological leap forward but also stands as a cautionary tale; we can use it to anticipate poor choices and avoid them. Already the model has been useful in predicting and pleading to stop two Islamist airline plots. It can greatly help out in this current crises as well. Soviets have a history of respecting the good works of good physicists and mathematicians. We must therefore stop the infighting among our scientists to give rightful airing to the model that has proved its worth time and again over the past nine years .


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